Pet Spay Neuter
Spaying or neutering your pets before they attain complete reproductive maturity (essentially before first heat) helps prevent some serious health concerns and abnormal or aggressive behaviours. Timely spay neutering of your pet can prevent the following:
1. In female dogs, cats the procedure not only prevents unwanted litters but it also reduces the risk of urinary infections, ovarian cancer, and breast cancer.
2. The spay-neuter surgery is carried out at a very marginal cost when compared to the cost of curing any of the aforesaid problems or raising puppy, kitten litter.
This procedure involves removal of the male dog’s/tom’s testicles and spermatic cord.
In male dogs, timely castration has positive effects on the behavioural aspects of the dogs/toms(male cats) and prevents hazardous health problems such as testicular cancer. Suitable castration of your male dogs/toms can prevent the following:
1. Frequent urination and marking territory.
2. It prevents aggressive behaviors and makes the god/toms less likely to roam.
3. Testicular cancer, which is the second most common tumor in male dogs
Are you having a hard time managing your pet’s aggression and sexual behavior, we would love to have a chat with you on spaying or neutering your pet. Contact us now! 4>