Pet Anesthesia and Monitoring
Anesthesia is used during surgeries, discomfort, and shock in animals. There are different forms of anesthetic doses give to your pet as per the need.
A proper dose of anesthesia ensures there is no pain experienced during the procedure or at recovery time due to reduces stress and panicky in your pet.
Two primary types of anesthesia we give at the pet care hospital are:
General Anesthesia: This is a strong form of anesthesia which used a combination injected and inhaled drugs, it leads to complete loss of consciousness.
It is used for surgeries where complete immobility of the pet is required during the course of the procedure.
Local Anesthesia: This involves numbing of only that part of the pet’s body which is being treated or operated, this is a common form of anesthesia used in processes like dental and minor surgical procedures.
The pet needs constant monitoring when under the influence of anesthesia to be sure of stability in the patient’s vital elements. At Pet Care Hospital we carry out the following forms of anesthetic monitoring:
Manual Sensory Tracking: This involves the expert checking patient’s breathing, reaction to painful stimuli, their pulse, changes in the muscle tone and eye response.
Electrocardiogram(ECG): This is an electronic device that measures the heart rate of the patient and ensures the patient’s heart is breathing normally during the procedure.
Pulse Oximeter: This measures the amount of oxygen in the blood streams and checks the physical pulse to ensure proper blood pumping function of the heart.
Blood Pressure: This affirms adequate pressure in the blood to maintain circulation, it is important to measure BP. Respiration rate: Ensures proper breathing of the pet.
Body Temperature: The internal body temperature must be kept warm to maintain processes, metabolize the body and ensure fast recovery.