Dog Flea Allergy

Dog Flea Allergy

Symptoms of Dog Flea Allergy:

  • Droppings or “flea dirt” in a dog’s coat
  • Allergic dermatitis
  • Excessive scratching, licking or biting at skin
  • Hair loss
  • Scabs and hot spots
  • Pale gums
  • Tapeworms

dog flea allergy pet care hospital

Are there any complications of fleas in dogs?  

Yes, Since fleas can consume 15 times their own body weight in blood they can cause anemia or a significant amount of blood loss over time. It is problematic in young puppies, where an inadequate number of red blood cells can be life-threatening to some dogs. Signs of parasitic anemia include pale gums, cold body temperature, and listlessness. When a dog has a heightened sensitivity to the saliva of fleas, just one bite of a flea can cause an allergic reaction.

How do dogs get prone to fleas?

Fleas thrive at temperatures of 65 to 80 F and those dogs who live outdoors are most vulnerable to fleas.


What to do if your dog has fleas?

Consult your veterinarian, who will confirm the appropriate diagnosis and treatment options required. Certain combinations can be toxic, hence you should always consult a vet who will tailor-make solutions for your pet for present and future prevention from fleas.

How do I treat fleas?

  • Speak with your veterinarian and choose the right flea treatment product like a topical liquid treatment applied to the back of the neck, shampoos, sprays and powders. Some products kill both adult fleas and their eggs, but they can vary in efficacy. It is very important not to use products on your dog that are intended for cats (and vice versa). Don't shy away from consulting your vet, care for your pets like you'd care for yourself.
  • Keep your house clean. (Remember to discard any vacuum bags.) In severe cases, you might consider using a spray or fogger, which requires temporary evacuation of the home.


How can I prevent fleas?

Using a flea comb on your dog and washing his bedding once a week. It is very important to treat your garden area or space where your pet plays as thoroughly as your house. Use an insecticide or nematodes, microscopic worms that kill flea larvae.


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