Dog Anal Sac Disease

Dog Anal Sac Disease

Dog anal sac disease, what is that?


Is your dog scooting across the room on his bottom? It's a definite sign of dog anal sac disease!

A dog anus has two small pouches on either side which make a smelly, brown liquid used by dogs to identify each other and mark their territory. Anal sac disease starts with an uncomfortable impaction progressing to an infection or abscess.

Symptoms of Dog Anal Sac Disease

  • Scooting

  • Licking or biting his rear end

  • A bad smell

  • Constipation or pain when pooping/sitting

How can I prevent dog anal sac disease?

Plenty of exercise for your lazy dog with a healthy diet, that's all! Anal sac disease is most commonly seen in small obese dogs. If your dog is having problems with anal sacs, have your vet check them at every check up.

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