What Are the General Symptoms of Cat Skin Allergy?
Sneezing, coughing (if the cat has asthma),wheezing
Itchy skin/increased scratching
Itchy, runny eyes
Itchy back or base of tail (most commonly seen in flea allergies)
Itchy ears and ear infections
Snoring caused by an inflamed throat
Paw chewing/swollen paws
Are cats allergic to food?
If the cat is allergic to the food they are eating then they will scratch their head, neck and will vomit or have diarrhea. All cats are equally at risk of getting skin allergy. Cat skin allergy can bee seen at any age.
Cats who develop allergies have usually been exposed to substances- either airborne, in food, applied to their skin or transmitted by fleas. Cats that spend most of their time outdoors may get prone to flea or pollen allergy.
What Are Cats Allergic To?
Tree, grass, weed, mold, mildew and dust pollens
Fleas and flea-control products
Prescription drugs
Cleaning products
Cigarette smoke
Rubber and plastic materials
What to do if you think your cat has skin allergy?
Do not even think twice in visiting your veterinarian. The vet will take a look at the cat's history and then determine the source of cat's allergy! If not, the veterinarian will recommend skin or blood test or even a special diet for your cat.